Two NHAI Officers Are Among The Six CBI Bribery Arrests

In connection with a bribery case that took place in Nagpur, Maharashtra, and included a sum of twenty lakh rupees, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has taken six men into custody. The bribery case was investigated by the CBI.

Two of the individuals who have been arrested and brought into custody are officials from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), which was the organization that was in charge of conducting the inquiry. The initial court filing for the legal action was submitted in Nagpur, which was the site of the court.

Arvind Kale, who is the General Manager and Project Director of NHAI, Project Implementation Units in Nagpur; Brijesh Kumar Sahu, who is the Deputy General Manager and Project Director of NHAI Harda, who is a Member of Parliament; Anil Bansal and Kunal Bansal, both Directors of M/s Bansal Construction Works Pvt. Ltd.; C Krishna, who provided a bribe; and Chhater Singh Lodhi, an employee of M/s Bansal Construction Works Pvt. Ltd. were each arrested.

This information was disclosed by a spokeswoman for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), who stated that the amount of cash that has been confiscated up to this moment amounts to approximately 1.1 crore rupees. The amount of money that was offered as bribes to the persons that were involved is included in this total amount of money.

According to allegations that directors of a private company based in Bhopal have been “delivering bribes” to various public servants of the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a case against four public servants of the NHAI, a private company based in Bhopal, as well as five other individuals, including two directors, employees of the private company, and another unknown individual.

The case was filed following allegations that the directors of the private company had been “delivering bribes” to various public servants of the NHAI. After suspicions that the directors of the private enterprise had been “delivering bribes” to a variety of public servants working for the National Health and Safety Administration (NHAI), the case was brought forward.

The investigation into the matter was initiated after it was suspected that the directors of the private firm had been “delivering bribes” to several public servants who were employed by the National Health and Safety Administration (NHAI). There is a strong suspicion that the directors of the private company have been “delivering bribes” to several public officers working for the National Health and Safety Administration (NHAI). The NHAI is the organization that employs these officials.

Immediately after an employee of a private company gave over a bribe to Kale in the amount of twenty lakh rupees, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) devised a trap, which ultimately resulted in the apprehension of the individuals who were engaged in the issue.

There is a significant number of locations all around the country where searches are being carried out on specific individuals who are suspected of committing crimes. This category includes a wide variety of locations, some of which include the cities of Nagpur, Bhopal, and Harda, by way of illustration. In addition, we are conducting searches at the residences and places of business that are associated with the individuals who are responsible for the crime.

His statement indicated that the sum of Rs 1.1 crore had been taken into custody. This was stated in the statement. During the statement, he made this assertion.

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