The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, delivered a speech on Wednesday in which he took a firm stand against the Trinamool Congress (TMC) about the Sandeshkhali issue. Specifically, he indicated that the TMC is making an effort to protect the individuals who have been criminally charged.
In a statement that was intended for the government of Bengal, which is led by Mamata Banerjee and is led by the TMC, Prime Minister Modi declared that the ladies of the land have been tormented and that whatever happened with them in Sandeshkhali is a topic of shame. This comment was directed at the government of Bengal.
“During the time that the TMC has been in power, the most vulnerable members of our society have been subjected to torture. Even though whatever took place at Sandeshkhali will put anyone to shame, it is quite evident that the government of the TMC does not care about the hardships that you are experiencing. He added that the TMC is taking measures to protect those individuals who have been accused of betraying the people of Bengal as he was speaking at a rally for women that was held in Barasat.
“Neither can the TMC government provide protection to the women of Bengal, nor can it work for their welfare,” the Prime Minister made it clear. “Neither can it work for their welfare.”
Under no circumstances would the administration of the TMC be able to provide any kind of safety to women. Those who have committed heinous crimes such as rape would be sentenced to life in prison, according to the decision that was taken by the government belonging to the BJP. However, the government of the TMC is not allowing it to operate in the state of West Bengal, even though we have made preparations for a “Women Helpline” to make the process of registering complaints from women easier. After that, he continued by adding, “This TMC government will never be able to work for the welfare of women.”
It was Prime Minister Modi who made the statement that the leaders of the TMC had committed crimes against the women of the state. This statement was made to increase the level of criticism that he has directed towards the TMC about the Sandeshkhali case. It has been reported that the leaders of the TMC have perpetrated crimes against women all over the state. However, he claims that the TMC does not have faith in the women of West Bengal, even though they have entire faith in their leader.
There have been allegations that Shahjahan Sheikh and his colleagues committed sexual offences against women and took land without authorization on the riverine island of Sandeshkhali, which is situated in the North 24 Parganas district of Bengal. This island has been at the heart of controversy as a result of these allegations.
During a manhunt that lasted for fifty-five days, the West Bengal police were ultimately successful in capturing Shahjahan Sheikh on Thursday, February 29. Almost immediately after his arrest, the TMC decided to exclude the Sandeshkhali accused member from the party for six years.
According to the Prime Minister, who declared that this will be the case, “Nari shakti,” which translates to “women power,” would play a significant role in the process of destroying the TMC, which is currently in control in the state. People all around the country, including Bengali women and ladies, are simmering with anger. Additionally, he warned that the storm of Sandeshkhali would spread throughout the entirety of West Bengal and completely demolish the TMC throughout the state. He said this in a statement.
In the early hours of today, the Esplanade-Howrah Maidan section of the Kolkata Metro was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi. This section is the first underwater transport tunnel in the country, and it has the distinction of passing beneath the fierce Hooghly River.
In addition to that, he took a metro train from Esplanade to Howrah Maidan and conversed with students from their various schools while the train was passing through the tunnel. He did this while the train was moving through the tunnel.
The East-West Corridor, which covers the 4.8-kilometre segment between Esplanade and Howrah Maidan, was built for Rs 4,960 crore, according to the records of the officials at the time of its construction.